more justice, more joy

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by Creating Freedom Movements: more justice, more joy

As this giving season prompts us to contemplate the many ways of sharing our harvests, we are reminded of our core mission: cultivating cultures of connection, interdependence & reciprocity. We invite you to join us in that process by helping to fuel this work of nurturing joyful justice workers!

Participants in our year-long program become more well-rounded in practical skills, more visionary in perspectives, and more creative in modes of expression. By spending time every week with people from diverse backgrounds, we also practice building beloved community and cross-issue solidarity, strengthening the networks and collaboration we need to grow our collective power. The projects incubated through our program create grassroots infrastructures of justice and joy that allow us to divest from oppressive institutions and grow a world in which all can thrive.

Thank you for voting with your pocketbook for the kind of world you want to see. Together, we are powerful beyond imagining!
Creating Freedom Movements has given me a space to honor my love and my pain for the world we live in; and to be held, witnessed, seen and heard as I deprogram some of my patterns. I am learning how to be in community by watching our facilitators and members of our group. I appreciate the intentionality and transparency around how messy this work can be, and the commitment to radical love. It inspires me to bring that into my work of teaching for justice and liberation.
-- Marie, 2018/2019 CFM Cohort Member


$1,500 GOAL

This Appeal 11 44%
has ended. Believers Funded
This appeal has ended.